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Thematic Donations

Help Save Our Borneo with Your Donations.

The SOB work program is focused on responding to the need for regional-based advocacy and not compartmentalized based on regional administration..

We work together throughout the Borneo Region with environmental activists who dare to fight to preserve biodiversity, overcome the climate crisis, and uphold human rights. Preservation and protection of Borneo forests can also be carried out because of your donations!

Donate Now

Tanda terima donasi

Tanda terima donasi hanya dapat diberikan khusus bagi donasi dari Indonesia.

Status Nirlaba

Save Our Borneo diakui sebagai organisasi nirlaba di Indonesia

Data yang aman

Data Anda dikirim secara terenkripsi (TSL/SSL) dengan demikian saat pengiriman terlindungi dari kepentingan pihak ke tiga.

Berhenti berdonasi

Donasi rutin setiap saat bisa dihentikan, silahkan tulis ke atau menelfon kami di +62 812 62255465‬